Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Free Movie Ideas

By Daniel Rigney
Hollywood, I have a few multimillion-dollar blockbuster movie ideas for you. If you respond now to this offer, I’ll send you not one but two bonus ideas. You’ll be charged only a modest processing fee.

Soldiers of Fascism (action picture: Rambo meets Bambi). Two freedom-loving hunters in the Wisconsin wilderness track down small mammals and ungulates with semi-automatic assault rifles. Their adventures turn to tragedy when they kill a badger family, and a University of Wisconsin student with an i-cam captures the action and posts it on You Tube.
Dr. Pill (drama).  A Dallas society physician with an unshareable financial problem opens a pill mill and sells pads of pre-signed prescriptions to his posh clientele. Hell breaks loose at the country club when he runs out of scrip pads and an angry mob of golfers takes him to the rough for a few “practice swings.” Recovering in the hospital afterwards, Dr. Pill begins taking medication for his pain.
McChurches (sad satire). A megachurch in southern California sells local franchises from coast to coast. Its logo, a happy face atop a traditional religious symbol, can be seen from a mile away on major interstate highways, visible to those on long journeys whose spirits hunger. One franchise owner has moral qualms about the commercialization and corporatization of his faith. ("Elmer Gantry" meets "Supersize Me")
Harry and Sally Meet E.T. (sci-fi rom com).  E.T. returns to earth to visit childhood friends and meets old married couple Sally and Harry. Misunderstandings and complications ensue, but funny and heartwarming lessons are learned by all. E.T. returns home, his work done.
The Projecting Screens (conceptual art film). Two old-fashioned pull-down movie screens -- a movie projecter embedded in each -- simultaneously project old movies onto each other (e.g., “Casablanca” and “Modern Times”). Audience watches both films at once. Discussion follows. (Andy Warhol may have done this one already. I don't know.)
Free bonus film idea here:  " The Chili Champ"


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