Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Republican-to-Democratic Dictionary

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By Daniel Rigney
Here's your handy guide to translating Republican rhetoric into Democratic rhetoric. In each instance we’ll give the Republican term and supply its nearest Democratic equivalent. In some  instances there is no exact Democratic translation of a Republican word or phrase, because the two vocabularies articulate fundamentally different interpretations of the same shared world, flowing from differing core values and worldviews.
You may wish to make your own contributions to this glossary in your comments.
Bureaucrat: a civil servant
Obamacare: The Affordable Care Act
Confiscatory Taxes:  any taxes rich Republicans don’t want to pay
Death Tax: estate or inheritance tax
Right to Work Laws: right to work for less laws* 
States’ Rights: opposition to civil rights for all Americans
The Global Warming Hoax: global warming
The Second Amendment: the second half of the Second Amendment, deleting the "well-regulated militia" part.  (The latter excision is also known as the Scalia Deletion)
Economists: Milton Friedman and The Wall Street Journal
Unbiased Media:  the Fox News spin machine
Christianity: Christianity’s theocratic right wing
Feminazis: participants in the movement for women’s rights
Economic freedom: unrestrained corporate capitalism
Redistributionism:  when advantages are distributed downward. When advantages are redistributed upward, Republicans call it "job creation."
Citizens United:  plutocrats purchasing government. (This is also known as the Scalia Redistribution.)
Democratic Class Warfare: opposition to Republican class warfare against working people since Reagan
Gubment:  government
The Democrat Party: The Democratic Party
Socialism: liberalism or progressivism
Fascism:  liberalism or progressivism
Godless secularism: liberalism or progressivism
The Anti-Christ:  President Barack Obama

*phrase courtesy of MSNBC's Ed Schultz

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